What are nordic walking poles made of ?

Nordic walking poles are the characteristic feature of this complete sport. Thanks to Nordic walking poles, this sport works out all of the body's muscles. Without them there would be no such thing as Nordic walking! Find out about all of the elements that make a Nordic walking pole with Olivier Capelli, double Nordic walking world champion. Unlike hiking, in Nordic walking the poles help to drive your body forward. The poles help to improve speed while protecting your joints. 

A Nordic walking pole is made of 4 elements:

  • The shaft. A shaft made of at least 80% carbon is preferable to avoid vibrations and look after your joints.
  • The grip may be made of cork to absorb perspiration from the hands
  • The gauntlet which joins your hand to the Nordic walking pole
  • The pad, made of a tip for walking on roads and paths, to which you can add a tip specially designed for walking on roads.