Flat stomach ( expert level ; 7 min)

Expert 7 minutes
article rating 4.2/5 1811

Here's a special workout to get you a flat stomach by performing a range of abs exercises.

It lasts 7 minutes.
You can also combine it with the "squats" workout to tone your thighs, as well as the "glutes" workout.

To perform the exercises in this programme correctly, clear an area of approximately 2 x 1.5 m.

Remember to turn on the sound for the best experience.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Set: Plank (2 minutes)
  • 02
    Set: Hollow body (1 minute)
  • 03
    Set: Mountain climbers (1 minute)
  • 04
    Set: Dynamic plank (1 minute)
  • 05
    Set: Active side plank (1 minute)

Coach advice

"Give your max during this workout. Stay focused on your breathing and remember to suck in your stomach to really work your deeper core muscles. They're the ones that will give you that flat tummy. Avoid sugary foods and drinks and unhealthy fats. Let's go!"
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