Intense ab workout (expert, 13 min)

Expert 13 minutes
article rating 4.4/5 96

This session is designed for those who have mastered core exercises. The ab wheel significantly increases the intensity of the ab workout. You'll need an ab wheel (roller) for this workout.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Important instructions (30 sec)
  • 02
    Walkouts (60 sec)
  • 03
    Kneeling press-up (30 sec)
  • 04
    Kneeling plank (30 sec)
  • 05
    Child's pose (30 sec)
  • 06
    Kneeling plank (3x30 sec)
  • 07
    Kneeling forearm plank (30 sec)
  • 08
    V-up (30 sec)
  • 09
    Static plank (30 sec)
  • 10
    Walkouts (40 sec)
  • 11
    Child's pose (30 sec)
  • 12
    Upward facing dog (60 sec)
  • 13
    Spine lengthening stretch (30 sec)
  • 14
    Side stretch (2x30 sec)

Coach advice

"This session is designed for those who have mastered core exercises. The ab wheel significantly increases the intensity of the ab workout."
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