Breath & Centring (17 min)

Beginner 18 minutes
article rating 4.4/5 462

4 basic exercises that you will repeat twice to work on your three muscle chains (anterior, posterior and lateral) by alternating strength and mobility exercises.
This will help you feel the benefits of Pilates: strengthening weak muscles and stretching tight muscles.

Approximate workout duration: 20 minutes

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Pilates positioning and breathing
  • 02
    Plank level 1
  • 03
    Swimming level 1
  • 04
    Right side bend level 1
  • 05
    Leg stretch level 1
  • 06
    Plank level 1
  • 07
    Swimming level 1
  • 08
    Left side bend level 1
  • 09
    Leg stretch level 1
  • 10
    Kneeling lunge
  • 11
    Back stretch

Coach advice

"For this workout, focus on your breathing and engaging your core muscles (your deep ab and pelvic muscles). Pointer: Pay close attention to your breathing before you start."
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