Exploring the variations (17 min)

Beginner 18 minutes
article rating 4.5/5 174

These Gym & Pilates sessions will introduce you to the GREAT method.
During this session, you will do:
- plank
- side leg raise
- glute stretch
- prone swimmer
- kneeling lunge

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Level 2 plank
  • 02
    Level 2 left side leg raises
  • 03
    Glute stretch
  • 04
    Level 1 side plank
  • 05
    Level 2 prone swimmer
  • 06
    Right kneeling lunge stretch
  • 07
    Left kneeling lunge stretch

Coach advice

"The GREAT programme is gentle and does not require you to warm up.
Ideally, use a gym mat, take off your shoes and wear comfortable clothing."
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