Running 30min - 8 weeks (beginner)

Beginner 8 weeks 3x/week
article rating 4.8/5 2134

We're going to start out the programme by alternating between running and walking, to get your muscles and joints used to gentle, gradual exercise.

As the days go by and you progress, you'll be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping. You'll therefore have reached your target.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - We'll start off slowly

Starting is the hardest part, but we're right here by your side to help and encourage you!

  • 01. Running and walking 25min
  • 02. Running and walking 27min
  • 03. Running and walking 30min

Week 2 - Now we'll increase the running time

Stay motivated and you'll make good progress!

  • 04. Running and walking 27min
  • 05. Running and walking 28min
  • 06. Running and walking 30min

Week 3 - We'll reduce the recovery time to increase the running time.

Don't try to go any faster, the running times are now going to increase gradually!

  • 07. Running and walking 30min
  • 08. Running and walking 30min
  • 09. Running and walking 43min

Week 4 - We'll keep on reducing the recovery time to increase the running time.

The running stages will last longer than a minute, so don't go too fast!

  • 10. Running and walking 44min
  • 11. Running and walking 40min
  • 12. Running and walking 42min

Week 5 - We'll increase the duration of the running stage

By the end of this week, you should be able to run for 4 minutes without stopping.
See how far you've come since your first session!

  • 13. Running and walking 37min
  • 14. Running and walking 39min
  • 15. Running 20 minutes in 5 stages

Week 6 - Now we're going up to 10 minutes non-stop!

By the end of this week, you should be able to run for 10 minutes without stopping.
See how far you've come since your last sessions!

  • 16. Running 25 minutes in 5 stages
  • 17. Running and walking 49min
  • 18. Running 30 minutes in 3 stages

Week 7 - Now we're going up to 15 minutes non-stop!

Second-last week before reaching your goal, keep up your motivation!

  • 19. Running 30 minutes in 3 stages
  • 20. Running 40 minutes in 4 stages
  • 21. Running 30 minutes in 2 stages

Week 8 - Running for 30 min non-stop

That's it! If you've been following the programme properly, you should be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping.
See how much good it's done you to take up running!

  • 22. Running 45 minutes in 3 stages
  • 23. Running 40 minutes in 2 stages
  • 24. Run 30 minutes continuously

Coach advice

"You want to be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping: that's a thoroughly honourable goal, and we're going to help you get there through a training programme specifically tailored to this sport. Don't worry about your speed or how you look, the important thing is that you enjoy yourself."
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